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🌟 Faith-Fueled Farewells!🌟


The Best and Worst Christian Sign-offs

"Under the Lamb,"?

Greetings, fellow journeyers in faith! We've all been there - those moments when we're poised at the keyboard, ready to sign off our emails with a touch of warmth and a sprinkle of inspiration and you're trying to think of something more clever than "Blessings". Well, fear not, for we've compiled a collection of Christian email sign-offs that cover all your options, and maybe even raise an eyebrow or two. You may find some that are perfect for your communication and some that are cringe-worthy. The one that conjures up the most uncomfortable image in my mind, is "Under the Lamb,". Whether you're navigating the choppy seas of professional communication or sending a digital dose of encouragement to a friend, these clever closings will leave a faith-filled impression. So, as you embark on the voyage of writing, take a leap of faith and feel free to try out some of these gems that reflect the boundless blessings of our journey in Christ.


Abundant blessings,

Amazing grace will see us through,

Anchored in Christ,

Because He lives,

Because of Calvary,

Be God’s,

Believing all good things for you,

Blessed be,


Blessings ahead,

Blessings always,

Blessings for your journey,

Brightest blessings,

Celebrating Christ,

Cheerfully in Christ,

Christ follower,

Claiming His promises,

Confident in Christ,

Counting my blessings,

Delighting in Jesus,

Delighting in the Word,

Double blessings,

Double portion of blessings,

Embracing His passion,

Embracing the faith,

Every blessing,

Faith, hope, and love,

Faith, peace, and love,

Fight the good fight,

Following Aslan,

Following Him,

Fully relying on God,

God be with you,

God bless,

God is good,

God is good all the time,

God is with you,

God’s richest blessings,

Grace abounding,

Grace abounds,

Grace and blessings,

Grace and peace, (or just ‘G&P’ if you’re a hipster)

His grace is sufficient,

His love endures,

Holding on to joy,

Holding to the faith,

Holding to the Good Book,

Holding you up before our great God,

Holding you up in my prayers,

Hugs and prayers,

In Christ,

In Christian love,

In God’s embrace,

In gratitude,

In Him,

In His care,

In His grip,

In His hand,

In His service,

In Jesus love, (In Jesus love until He comes,)

It is well with my soul,

Jesus follower,

Joy for your day,

Joyfully His,

Joyfully in Christ,


Keep looking up,

Keep on keeping on,

Keep the faith,

Keeping you in my prayers,

Kind regards,

Leaning on Jesus,

Leaning on the Rock of Ages,

Lifting you up in prayer,

Love and blessings,

Love and light,

Love, peace, and joy,

Many blessings,

Massive blessings,

May God give you just what you need in each unfolding moment,

May God hug you tight with His love,

May God lead your path,

May God lift you up,

May God keep you in his embrace,

May God richly bless,

May God surround you with His love,

May God surround you with His peace,

May God’s grace abound,

May the Lord be with you,

May you be blessed with His strength,

May your day be filled with Jesus,

May your day be filled with peace, (joy, hope, faith, etc.)

May your faith shine,

May your joy be full,

On fire,

Only by grace,

Onward for His glory,

Pax Christi

Pax Tecum

Peace and joy,

Peace, love, and joy,

Praising the God that moves mountains,

Prayerfully yours,


Praying God will keep you healthy,

Redeemed through Christ,

Redeeming the time,

Rejoicing in Christ,

Rejoicing in Hope,

Rejoicing in what Christ can do,

Remember that fear is a liar,

Remembering what God can do,

Resting in God’s blessings,

Resting in His care,

Resting in His promises,

Resting in His steadfast love,

Saved by grace,

Saved to serve,


Sincerely by the Grace of God,

Singing His praises,

Sola fide,

Sola gratia,

Soli Deo gloria,

Solus Christus,


May you

Have a great day’]

Standing on the promises,

Stay blessed,

Stay charged,

Stay courageous,

Stay encouraged,

Stay light,

Stay light as the days grow darker,

Stay strong,

Surrounded by His love,

Taking you to my Lord in prayer daily,

Thankfully His,

Thanking God for grace upon grace,

Thanking God for you,

Thanking God for your friendship,

Thanking God for your sunny spirit,

Thanks for being my sister in Christ,

The grace of Jesus Christ be with you,

The Lord Jesus bless you,

The Kingdom now,

Thriving because of His grace,

Thriving because of His love,

Traveling mercies,

Trusting faith over fear,

Trusting God will deliver,

Trusting God will give you peace,

Trusting His power,

Trusting His promises,

Trusting in His care,

Trusting the God of the impossible,

Trusting the God that guides,

Trusting the God that provides,

Uncommon blessings,

Under Aslan’s paw,

Under His headship,

Under His wing,

Until He comes,

Until we meet in glory,

Waiting for the trumpet,

Walking in the Light,

With Christian love,

With gratitude,

With love and light,

With spiritual love,

With thoughts and prayers,

Wishing God’s best for you,

Wishing you all good things,

Wishing you love, light, and blessings always,

You are in my prayers,

Your brother in Christ,

Your fellow servant,

Your fellow soldier of Christ,

Your friend in Christ,

Your sister in Christ,

Yours because His,

Yours in Him,

🌈 Amen and Then Some: Wrapping Up with a Heavenly Flourish 🌈

And there you have it, fellow faith travelers! An entire spectrum of sign-offs from which to choose. Whether you're "Anchored in Christ" or embracing the "Double portion of blessings," these farewells let your faith shine as brightly as the screen before you, or make you seem really weird! Remember when the digital ink dries, you've had the opportunity to use a sign-off that's uniquely you. So go ahead, sign off with the spirit of "Trusting the God that provides," and see if your emails become vessels of encouragement. I hope you find inspiration in these faith-fueled farewells.

Photo by Trinity Kubassek:

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