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Five Ways to Thrive in Quarantine #1

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

Five Ways to Thrive in Quarantine: #1

#1: Prepare for the Future

“Think of it like preparing for final exams,” said my partner, Jim Cannon, when I asked him what he thought was the best way to thrive under quarantine. He continued, “Use your quarantine time to prepare for the new normal.” Prepare yourself, your family, and your business for the future. In the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic, we will see our society shifting or accelerating the existing migration from traditional manufacturing requiring lots of physical human contact to robotics, and increased investment in biotech in reaction to the impact of the Coronavirus. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, remote work, virtual work environments, and automation to support social distancing may also accelerate its ubiquity.

Will demand increase for crisis-related products and services in the days and years to come? Will certain sectors in research and development take off after the pandemic? The University of Twente has recently partnered with three SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in the area of biophotonics, developing handheld instruments that can detect a virus in the air. The University’s surrogate, Ostendum developed a prototype in 2017. Do you think technologies like this will be important in the coming days? Do you think the workplace model will be changed forever? How can you position yourself and your business for the future and be ready to take advantage of this new paradigm? Use this down-time to retool yourself and your business to be ready for this new context. Get ready, the future is moving fast.

The highest concentration of Coronavirus deaths has been in nursing homes, prisons, and houses of worship. What will this mean for the future of these institutions? Is it possible that home-health will replace nursing homes, criminal rehabilitation will become less centralized, and worship becomes more virtual? Is now the time to start an unskilled home health agency or post-release housing or reentry services for ex-convicts? Is it time to start a business providing digital solutions to churches?

With the Democrats shifting from globalism to favoring what they call certified democracies, to supply America with critical goods and services, does that mean that the infatuation with Chinese manufacturing is over? What will this mean for emerging markets?

While these are frightening and dangerous times, the end of a crisis always presents opportunities to those that look ahead and prepare. Eisenhower famously said, “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.”

Look for the second installment of Five Ways to Thrive, coming soon. The #2 way to thrive will be, Spend Time with Those You Love.

Also, order my book, 37 WAYS TO WORK FROM HOME TODAY: Business Ideas You Can Start Today with Little to No Money, Education, or Special Training. I'm providing it to you at no charge during these difficult times. If you know someone who is hurting financially during this economic contraction, send them to this blog for encouragement and concrete ideas to thrive in tough times.

Be safe, stay healthy, and thrive.

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